Vegan Superfood Pad Thai with Jumpei Kontani

Vegan Superfood Pad Thai with Jumpei Kontani


1 Bag Lotus Foods Organic Moringa Brown Rice Pasta
2-3 Tablespoons Coconut Oil


4 Tablespoons Coconut Aminos
2 Tablespoons Rice Vinegar
2 Tablespoons fresh lime juice
1 Can Full Fat Coconut Milk
1 cup Amazonian Jungle Peanuts
1/2-1/2 teaspoon Thai Black Ginger


16 Ounces Shiitake Mushrooms
3 green onions chopped
2 Yellow Bell Peppers sliced
2 Red Bell Peppers sliced
1 cup julienne carrots (about 3 carrots)
1/4-1/2 teaspoon Resihi Mushroom

For Serving:

1 cup mung bean sprouts
Amazonian Jungle Peanuts
Lime Juice
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