Spirulina Thin Mint Fudge Bars

Spirulina Thin Mint Fudge Bars

Thin Mint Layer:

• 1/2 cup hemp protein powder
• 1/4 cup tigernut flour
• 3 drops of peppermint essential oil 
• stevia to taste 
• 1/3 cup unrefined coconut oil (melted) 
• pinch of salt 

• Place all your dry ingredients into a bowl (hemp, tigernut flour, cacao, salt, reishi) and mix.
• Then add the melted coconut oil, peppermint essential oil, and stevia (or favorite sweetener) and mix. 
• Scoop the batter into a silicon ice cube/bar/muffin tray.*
• Set the tray into the freezer to set for 5-7 minutes.
• Move on to make the spiralina fudge layer. 

*If you don’t have a silicone ice cube/bar/muffin tray, line a glass dish with parchment paper and follow the same directions. You’ll just have to cut them up into bars after you freeze them. 

Spirulina Fudge Layer: 

• 1 cup coconut butter (softened)
• 1/2 cup coconut cream (take the cream off the top of the can after refrigerating - not the liquid) 
• 1-3 tsp spirulina  
• 1 tsp vanilla bean powder
• 2 TB Birch Xylitol (or favorite sweetener) 
• pinch salt

• Combine all the ingredients in a bowl and mix. 
• Take your silicone tray with the thin mint layer out of the freezer. 
• Spoon the spirulina fudge batter on top of the thin mint layer. 
• Place back into the freezer for about one hour or until hard.
• Optional: When the bars are out of the freezer, melt and drizzle your favorite Addictive Wellness Chocolate Bar on top. 
• Before you eat them, I like to let them sit on the counter for about 5 minutes . And enjoy! 

Store in the refrigerator. 


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