Natural Cellulite Solutions
If you have cellulite, you're definitely not alone. This is a common problem for so many people. While many focus on trying to treat cellulite with expensive creams and other topical products, the most effective approaches really come from inside the body rather than outside.
Systemic Enzymes
One of the best ways to help reduce cellulite is to take systemic enzymes. These are enzymes that circulate throughout your body and help break down things like fibrinogen (which helps to hold cellulite in place). Serrapeptase and nattokinase are two of the most popular systemic enzymes for this purpose. And the best part is that they don't stop there- they also help break down scar tissue throughout the body.
Collagen Peptides
Another supplement that can be helpful for cellulite is collagen peptides. Collagen is the main structural protein in our skin, so it makes sense that increasing our collagen intake would help to improve the appearance of our skin. A high-quality collagen peptide powder will be high in the amino acids proline and glycine, which make up collagen. One study published in the Journal of Medicinal food in 2015 found that just 2.5 grams of collagen peptides per day decreased cellulite and reduced skin waviness on the thighs.
Gotu Kola
Gotu kola is an herb that has been traditionally used in both Chinese and Ayurvedic herbalism. It's a member of the parsley family and it's sometimes referred to as Indian ginseng. Gotu kola can improve elasticity and thickens the skin, which helps to minimize cellulite appearance. It also promotes circulation and helps to reduce inflammation.
Dry Brush
Dry brushing is another simple but effective cellulite treatment. Dry brushing helps to increase circulation and lymphatic drainage, which can help to reduce cellulite. It also exfoliates the skin, which can help to improve its appearance. To dry brush, simply use a natural bristle brush on dry skin before taking a shower or bath. Using grapefruit oil topically can also be helpful, but avoid this if you're going to be out in the sun, as it can result in hyperpigmentation.
Hormone Health
Hormones are like the master switches of our health and hormonal imbalances can be a major contributing factor to cellulite. For example, too little estrogen causes circulation problems in the thighs, but on the other hand, too much estrogen encourages more fat storage in the thighs. Both of these can contribute to cellulite, so balance is key. It's a great idea to work with a functional medicine doctor to get a full hormone panel done so you can understand where your hormones are at currently and start taking steps to bring them into a healthier balance.
Of course, diet is always going to be a major factor in cellulite (and overall health). A diet that's high in sugar, refined flour, and inflammatory foods is going to contribute to cellulite. On the other hand, a clean anti-inflammatory diet with fresh hydrating foods, plenty of fiber, clean protein, healthy fats, and sea vegetables can help to minimize cellulite.
Stay Hydrated
Staying hydrated is important for so many reasons and it can also help to reduce cellulite. When we're dehydrated, our skin becomes dry and less elastic. This can make cellulite more visible. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day will help to keep your skin hydrated.
Exercise is important for cellulite for a few reasons. First, it helps to increase circulation and lymphatic drainage, which can help to reduce cellulite. Second, it helps to build lean muscle tissue, which can help to minimize the appearance of cellulite. And third, it helps to burn fat, which can also help to reduce cellulite. Focus on high intensity interval training and resistance training rather than long distance cardio. These will allow you to burn more fat and add more lean muscle to reduce cellulite appearance.
In conclusion, there are many different ways that you can reduce cellulite. Some methods are better than others, but the best approach is usually a combination of several different methods.